Superstring 3.0.0
String manipulation library for clojure and clojurescript
Public variables and functions:
- ascii?
- blank?
- camel-case
- capitalize
- center
- char-at
- chomp
- chop
- chop-prefix
- chop-suffix
- collapse-whitespace
- common-prefix
- common-suffix
- distance
- ends-with?
- escape
- includes-all?
- includes-any?
- includes?
- index-of
- join
- last-index-of
- length
- lisp-case
- longest-common-substring
- lower-case
- lower-case?
- mixed-case?
- pad-left
- pad-right
- pascal-case
- re-quote
- re-quote-replacement
- replace
- replace-first
- replace-last
- reverse
- screaming-snake-case
- slice
- slug
- snake-case
- some?
- split
- split-lines
- starts-with?
- strip-accents
- substring
- swap-case
- translate
- trim
- trim-newline
- triml
- trimr
- truncate
- upper-case
- upper-case?
- wrap-words